OUR Services

Content Strategy

It all starts with a strategy planned to get you the most out of your marketing budgets…

SEO Strategy

To leverage organic traffic, we make sure that each post we write has the highest potential of ranking…


Content Writing

Our content writers are passionate, experienced and create depth within each of their posts…


Once your content is created, we utilize multiple techniques to get it out as far and wide as possible…


Quality Assurance

We have a two point check before publishing content and a bot (called cBot) to test each post thereafter…

Managed Solution

An extensive team manages the process, so you don’t have to, while keeping you informed regularly…

Our Story

Our founders have specialized in helping brokerage owners get the most out of technology for nearly two decades. In that journey one of the foundational items that still eludes many is the importance of providing valuable hyper local content.

As such COMMZ was born, to help brokerages fill that gap. We cover the entire process for you from curating to researching, from writing to QAing and from distribution to automation. 

We take it all on, so you can focus on your core business, while getting the most out of an ideal content marketing strategy.

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